Princeton Shape Retrieval and Analysis Group

3D Search Engine | People | Overview | Shape Representations | Query Interfaces | Benchmark | Publications | Movies

Graphics & Geometry Group, CS Department, Princeton University


Project Overview

Our goal is to investigate issues in shape-based retrieval and analysis of 3D models.  As a first step, we have developed a search engine for 3D polygonal models (check it out by clicking here).  The main research issues are to develop effective shape representations  and query interfaces.  The Princeton Shape Benchmark and Princeton Segmentation Benchmark provide data for evaluation of shape-based retrieval and analysis algorithms.  This web page provides an overview of some projects on these topics.  Our publications provide more details.

Shape Representations

A key issue in developing a shape-based retrieval and analysis system is to find a computational representation of shape (a shape descriptor) for which an index can be built, similarity queries can be answered efficiently. We are studying a spectrum of shape descriptors, ranging from ones that are simple to compute (but perhaps not very discriminating) to ones that require expensive computations (but provide sophisticated shape analysis):

Query Interfaces

Another issue is how should people specify shape-based queries?  For instance, consider a person who wants to build a 3D virtual world representing a city scene.  She will need cars, street lamps, stop signs, etc.  What input should be given to a search engine to retrieve objects of these types from the World Wide Web?  We have investigated several options:

Princeton Shape Benchmark

Princeton Segmentation Benchmark



Graphics & Geometry Group, CS Department, Princeton University