Jot A demonstration of real-time non photorealistic rendering with coherent stylized silhouettes. | |
Shape Analysis & Retrieval A set of algorithms for characterizing and matching the shapes of 3D models. | |
Sea of Images A system for capturing thousands of closely spaced omnidirectional images and rendering novel views in a real-time IBR walkthrough system. | |
3D Model Search Engine A search engine for 3D models found on the World Wide Web (indexes more than 30,000 models available for download). | |
Acoustic Modeling Algorithms for simulating the propagation of sound through 3D environments. | |
Display Wall A large-scale display with 24 PCs working in parallel to drive 24 projectors arranged in a tile pattern on an 18' x 8' rear-projection screen. | |
Rendering with a PC cluster Real-time algorithms for rendering images in parallel with a PC cluster. | |
Realistic Appearance A set of techniques for representing measured (a.k.a. non-parametric) appearance data with applications in interactive and off-line rendering and editing. | |
Suggestive Contours A technique for automatically producing line drawings that are aesthetically pleasing and convey shape effectively, starting from 3D models. | |
3D Scanning Research on novel 3D scanner designs, as well as algorithms for scan alignment and processing. | |
Reassembling the Thera Frescoes Applying 3D scanning and 3D shape matching methods to assist archeaologists in reconstructing 3500-year-old frescoes from thousands of fragments. | |
Line Drawings of 3D Shapes Research into how human artists make drawings of 3D shapes, how human subjects interpret those drawings, and how computer graphics algorithms compare. | |
Interactive 3D Line Drawings A project to develop improved algorithms for interactive 3D non-photorealistic rendering, with a focus on line drawing. |